Young boy and his grandpa

 Our goal is to become your contractor for life.  To do this, we understand that we need to treat every project like it is our own house and emulate the values our grandpa taught us.  

Our grandpa “Jerry Verno” was the most genuine, honest, and hard working role model anyone could ask for.  A Michigan native and WWII Veteran, he lived a long life of integrity.  In January 2016, he passed away at the ripe age of 96.  He was survived by three awesome daughters.  However, both his sons passed away years ago before they could start a family of their own.  Thus when our grandpa passed away, the Verno name died with him in our family.  As his grandsons, it was our duty to honor his memory and the values he stood for.  

We couldn’t think of a more fitting name than Verno Home Solutions.  We know he is looking over our shoulder every day.  And we do our best to make him proud.